About Us

The Mercury Coalition is a volunteer-driven group of transgender astrologers who are determined to build community and uplift one another within the astrological practice. It is our goal to create a reliable platform where transgender individuals within the astrological community can feel welcome to share their knowledge and expertise in this field. 

Featured artwork by Alex Maune, licensed by The Mercury Coalition.

Our Goals

Create Community

We are cultivating a space where transgender astrologers can feel welcome and provide a network for mutual growth and uplifting .

Provide Opportunities

As we are all astrologers at different points of the journey ourselves, we understand what opportunities and resources are needed.

Advocacy and Networking

In time, we hope to establish a name for ourselves to act as a network and broad support to other transgender astrologers and we have plans to make it happen!

Expand Horizons

We have big plans and goals that we hope to reach as a coalition. Starting with mini-conferences and panels, we want to help all of us to expand our horizons.

Our Mission

We seek to build a safe, supportive environment for all trans people including nonbinary and genderqueer people regardless of social or medical transition. We aim to build a more secure and productive space within the astrological community for trans people at any point in their journey of studying this discipline. We seek to accomplish this by providing opportunities for trans individuals in this community to be publicly recognized for their contributions to the tradition of astrology. With the rapid growth of this industry, we understand that trans individuals must uplift one another and our mission is to provide a platform and a network to make this possible.


See our blog for an archive of past speakers and the topics they covered.


If you're a seasoned astrologer looking to give a talk, check out our upcoming events!

Featured artwork by Alex Maune, licensed by The Mercury Coalition.

Our Team

We are a group of transgender astrologers working to create a community and set our own stage for growth. Over time, we hope to grow our team to cover more ground. 

Transgender Astrologers

All of us cover a diverse experience of transgender experiences of different backgrounds and cultures.

Featured artwork by Alex Maune, licensed by The Mercury Coalition.

Practicioners and Students

Each of us have a variety of skills in the astrological practice covering different branches and interests.

Professional Skills and Passions

In addition to astrology, we all have a wide array of skills such as art, project management, and communications.

Committed to the Cause

We are all here because we want to be and hope to show the broader community that all of us are here to stay.

Memberships and Involvement

We’re just getting started but we’ve got big plans to grow and expand our reach. Please follow us on social medias for updates on opportunities to get involved, speak, or join our mission. If you have an immediate concerns, check out our FAQ and contact us!