The Mercury Coalition for Transgender Astrologers

Collage art of a Hermes statue holding a trans pride flag. At the bottom are various trans rights protest signs. There is a hand holding a transgender pride flag at the bottom right. The background is the New York City skyline and roses. The moth used in The Mercury Coalition logo and signature teal is in the top left.

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Motivations of The Mercury Coalition

"We're here, we're queer - deal with it." - Snow OS

We have noticed a significant and worrying hostility and disregard towards trans people within the astrology community, amongst both hobbyists and professionals. We have recognized this tendency to inhibit the quality of life and range of opportunities available to transgender astrologers as professionals, to immiserate and dissuade any trans people from broaching the subject even as a hobbyist, and to impoverish the entire tradition of our particular contributions. As transgender astrologers ourselves, we have set about organizing in order to address this problem, to reinforce our collective security, visibility, and due respect for our participation in the practice.

We seek to signal boost transgender astrologers by providing opportunities for trans and nonbinary astrologers to make themselves known and make their ideas heard. We plan to work towards frustrating and countervailing transphobic, enbymisic, and transmisogynistic currents within the community at our every opportunity.

We hope to cultivate the construction of a new astrology community. One which is more open and more philosophically complex and conformal to the reality of human society. One which is more attuned to queer needs and queer thoughts. One that is open and inviting to more new transgender astrologers and hobbyists alike.

We look forward to seeing this better community.

Written by Emerald-Rose DeLeon

More To Explore

A heavily saturated sky of pink clouds, to the right is a statue of Venus with her hair blowing and a sash wrapping around her. The text on the left says in blue script, The Effects of Transmisogyny, What is it, the toll it takes, and how it affects the astrology community. Written by Emerald-Rose Deleon. The Mercury Coalition logo is water marked on the bottom left in white.
Community Awareness

The Effects of Transmisogyny

There has been significant discussion of transmisogyny recently given the slow ramping genocide which places transfems, and especially Black and Indigenous transfems, at the thin

Collage art of a Hermes statue holding a trans pride flag. At the bottom are various trans rights protest signs. There is a hand holding a transgender pride flag at the bottom right. The background is the New York City skyline and roses. The moth used in The Mercury Coalition logo and signature teal is in the top left.
Community Awareness

The Mercury Coalition for Transgender Astrologers

Motivations of The Mercury Coalition “We’re here, we’re queer – deal with it.” – Snow OS We have noticed a significant and worrying hostility and